In the "underwear dialect", the "queen of this one I have" is an important, frequently used Chinese businessmen. Egyptians favor the "big", they usually joyful nature, full of charm, like "China Star" who, like the elders.thongs for men In contrast, Chinese people like the "small", used unassuming. This distinction is very suitable for underwear deal. Chinese businessman status is not high, little is known, but few care about what - this series of quality are easy to make customers feel comfortable in Egypt.
These shops often employ local young female waitress, who many have barely mens thongs communicate with the boss. Nevertheless, they usually Chinese bosses absolute loyalty. In Egypt, women working is not common, some waitress seems to depart from tradition. In the "China Star", Kiki and John now hired a 18-year-old waitress, she named Rahma Medhat, wearing a headscarf, has tattoos on his hands, which on one hand is the womens thongs skull and cross bones. Rahma told me with obvious satisfaction, her parents are extremely angry, but also against her to the lingerie shop work. Before her lingerie shop had hired another young woman, but she was having trouble at home. John said he did not fully understand her situation, but he noticed her face, bruises on the arm, one day, thongs for sale her father came to the store, in front of the shop on the sidewalk beating her.
Most staff out of work because of economic difficulties. Chinese underwear in Minya corner, 27-year-old Rasha Abdel Rahman told me that her mother died, his father because of a car accident disability, she was out of work since then, but now almost 10 years. thongs for women She has four sisters, she helped them make money three married. Previously she was another Chinese businessman working, she said she would not accept the Egyptian employers to hire. She felt Chinese people frank, honest, do not love the locals involved in gossip. "They can keep a secret." She said.
Rasha told me that a local man selling men's underwear cheap thongs than not China. "I can not tell them how it was." With the translation she said. "They would look at the merchandise, and then sent to a woman, that's all Egyptian men look at the goods, and then they began to see a woman, and then the next . on trifling, joking "Rasha approvingly about her previous Chinese boss:" What plus size thongs he did when sellers do not want to, "she said," when shopping, you can feel the seller is not the idea of the Chinese people. think of a woman's body. "
"Underwear dialects" The most important word is arusa, is the "bride" means, Chinese traders mens thongs usa continue to use this word, but to read became alusa. Many neighborhoods in Cairo, Chinese businessman carrying a bag of clothing and underwear, from house to house shouting "Alusa! Alusa!" In Chinese stores, the owner often as greeting potential customers. In the local men wearing thongs view, this is quite pleasing too, and a little funny: "Pretty cool new look, new cool new cool, buy something!"
Valentine's Day, really have a bride into the "China Star." She was 19 years old, going to mens g strings and thongs a wedding later this year, come together along with her fiance, mother and 16-year-old brother. Kiki took out a piece of merchandise from the shelves, "the new cool, the plan to do?" She said, and the "Spring Butterfly brand women's stockings (Net Ladystocking Spring Butterfly)"mens sexy thongs refers to the label on the box to her. Bride to read stockings, then handed her fiance, then handed the mother, and finally the brother. There are two photographs one after the box, the above is a Slavic appearance models, wearing high heels, standing next to an arrayed leather bookcase books, Siamese wearing tights and thongs, and sexy mens thongs looked confused. Brother looked for a long time staring at the box. They piled up a bunch of fancy goods.
Egyptians married groom generally buy property and furniture, buy small pieces of the bride appliances, cookware and clothing, including underwear. Since 2009, China and Egypt signed a trade agreement, imports of clothing made simple, the market thrive, lingerie shop sexy thongs for men in extraordinary performance throughout Egypt.
is one of the largest merchants in Cairo, he told me that, in addition to his Egyptian products factory, every year he will have to import 10 containers of lingerie. In the "China Star", who the bride and her family spent an hour,wholesale thongs picking up 25 sets of pajamas, underwear 10, 10 and a bra stockings. Her mother paid a total equivalent to $ 360. She said that before the wedding will be out shopping two or three times. Once, Kiki picked up a pajamas to them, they can not help but cheer. She picked up another perspective jacket and a pink thong, asked: "? How this kind of" fiance thongs for plus size women replied: "! Gosh, really beautiful," he Assiut attorney, and the bride is studying law at the university . Although no type of models wearing not jeans and thick green coat, the bride still appears elegant style of conversation, it looks beautiful. Her scarf wrap conservatively in the chin.
Give me impressed that such a living cheap mens thongs tradition of middle-class families in the provinces, the shopping process and did not show the slightest embarrassment. Even so, the atmosphere has been a simple and pleasant, bride looks do not feel embarrassed. I am sure that even the most confident of Asian women, thought to be and her fiance, mother and brother adolescence coincided with the purchase of cheap thongs online underwear, will certainly feel shame, not to mention also the presence of two Chinese shopkeeper, a waiter and a face foreign correspondents. But in Egypt, the other stores, I also saw a similar scene, brides usually have family or friends to accompany, this practice seems and sex in people's minds. On the status of the bride, there are things worth mentioning. wholesale thongs online Chinese businessmen sometimes say to me, a woman of Egypt because they buy these clothes for her husband at night to dance, I suspect this idea more belly dance from the movie, rather than the actual customs. However, in a more symbolic level, this may be true. See a bride in the company of family and friends shopping, I feel like a bride exhibits, and cheap thongs wholesale online is ready for the future role to be played. In the "China Star", I asked the bride's mother, her daughter is married would become a lawyer. "Of course not!" She said, "She'll stay at home." The tone is very proud, and Egypt on man talking about his wife not home the same day. Egyptian Arabic arusa another meaning of the word "doll", the children get, the term refers to dressing undressing dress up the play toys.